Enlaces y Recursos


Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms and Applications

J. G. Proakis and D. G. Manolakis


Understanding Digital Signal Processing

Richard G. Lyons


Theory and Application of Digital Signal Processing

L. R. Rabiner and B. Gold


Digital Signal Processing: A Practical Guide for engineers and Scientists

Steven W. Smith


Digital Filters: Analysis, Design, and Applications

Andreas Antoniou


Digital Signal Processing Using MATLAB

John G. Proakis and Vinay K. Ingle


Real-Time Digital Signal Processing: Implementations and Applications

Sen M. Kuo


Designing Digital Filters

C. S. Williams


Applications of Digital Signal Processing

Alan V. Oppenheim


Digital Signal Processing, A Computer-Based Approach

S. K. Mitra


Análisis de Fourier

Hwei P. Hsu


Signals and Systems

Alan V. Oppenheim

Arquitecturas de DSPs


Familia C28xxx


Familia C5000


Familia C6000


DaVinci TM


ARM Cortex-A


Sitara (ARM based)

Tajetas disponibles en el laboratorio




TMS320F2812 Stick

  • Procesador: TMS320F2808
  • Periféricos incluidos: ADCs 12 bits, GPIOs, PWMs, SPI, SCI, CAN y otros
  • Programable en: ASM, C, C++
  • Procesador: TMS320F2812
  • Periféricos incluidos: ADCs 12 bits, UART, PWMs, SPI, SCI, CAN y otros
  • Programable en: ASM, C, C++





  • Procesador: TMS320F28027
  • Periféricos incluidos: GPIOs, ADC, PWMs, SPI, I2C y otros
  • Programable en: ASM, C, C++
  • Procesador: TMS320F28377S
  • Periféricos incluidos: ADCs 16 o 12 bits, comparadores, DACs 12 bits, PWMs, SPI, SCI, CAN y otros
  • Programable en: ASM, C, C++





  • Procesador: TMS320F28379D (Dual Core)
  • Periféricos incluidos: ADCs 16 o 12 bits, comparadores, DACs 12 bits, PWMs, SPI, SCI, CAN y otros
  • Programable en: ASM, C, C++
  • Procesador: TMS320F280049C
  • Periféricos incluidos: ADCs, DMA, PWMs, SPI, SCI, CAN y otros
  • Programable en: ASM, C, C++





  • Procesador: TMS320C30
  • Periféricos incluidos: DMA, Timer, puerto serie
  • Programable en: ASM, C
  • Procesador: TMS320C50
  • Periféricos incluidos: Timer,SPI, puerto paralelo
  • Programable en: ASM, C





  • Procesador: TMS320VC5402
  • Incluye: McBSP, HPI8, Timers, DMA
  • Programable en: ASM, C
  • Procesador: TMS320C5416
  • Incluye: CODEC estereo 16-/20-bits, cuatro jacks de 3.5mm para microfono, entrada/salida de linea, salida bocinas
  • Programable en: ASM, C


TMS320C6711 DSK



  • Procesador: TMS320C6711D
  • Incluye: EDMA, HPI, McBSP, Timers, GPIOs
  • Programable en: ASM, C++
  • Procesador: TMS320C6416
  • Incluye: MCBSP, cuatro jacks de 3.5mm, GPIOs
  • Programable en: ASM, C, C++




TMS320DM6437 EVM

  • Procesador: TMS320C6713
  • Incluye: CODEC estereo 24 bits, cuatro jacks de 3.5mm,GPIOs
  • Programable en: ASM, C, C++
  • Procesador: DM6437 (Basado en C64x/C64x+)
  • Incluye: Subsistema de procesamiento de video (VPSS), EDMA, I2C, UART, I2S, Ethernet y otros
  • Programable en: ASM, C, C++


Raspberry Pi 4


BeagleBone Black

  • Procesador: Quad core ARM Cortex-A72
  • Periféricos incluidos: USB, Bluetooth, Ethernet y otros
  • Sistema Operativo: Raspberry Pi OS (Raspbian)
  • Procesador: Sitara AM3358 (Sitara ARM Cortex-A8)
  • Periféricos incluidos: USB, Ethernet, CAN, McASPs, ADC, UART y otros
  • Sistema Operativo: Linux (Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora)

Signals and Systems

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Instructor: Dennis Freeman


Digital Signal Processing

The University of New South Wales

Instructor: Eliathamby Ambikairajah


Discrete Stochastic Processes

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Instructor: Robert Gallager


The Fourier Transform

Stanford University

Instructor: Brad Osgood


Communications Theory

Florida Institute of Technology

Instructor: Ivica Kostanic


Digital Communications I

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Instructor: Robert Gallager


Digital Communications II

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Instructor: David Forney


Information Theory

University of Cambridge

Instructor: David MacKay


Digital Filter Design

The University of Alabama in Hunstville

Instructors: Adam Panagos


Linear Algebra

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Instructor: Gilbert Strang


Speech and Audio Processing

The University of New South Wales

Instructor: Eliathamby Ambikairajah


Information and Entropy

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Instructors: P. Penfield & S. Lloyd

Antoniou, A. (2007). On the Roots of Digital Signal Processing. Part I. IEEE Circuits Syst. Mag., 7(1), pp.8-18.

Antoniou, A. (2007). On the Roots of Digital Signal Processing. Part II. IEEE Circuits Syst. Mag., 7(4), pp.8-19.

M. B. Kraeling. Fixed-Point Math in Time-Critical C Applications. WESCON/96, Oct. 1996, pp. 587-593.

W. Sung and J. Kang. Fixed-Point C Language for Digital Signal Processing. 29th Asilomar Conf. SSC, vol.2, pp.816-820, 1995.

Jiyang Kang and Wonyong Sung. Fixed-Point C Compiler for TMS320C50 Digital Signal Processor. In Proceedings of the ICASSP ’97, pp. 707-710, Apr. 1997.

K. Kum, d. Kang, and W. Sung. A Floating-Point to Integer C Converter with Shift Reduction for Fixed-Point Digital Signal Processors. In International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Pmcessing, pages 2163-2166, Phoenix, AZ. March 15-19 1999.

Talla, D. and Golston, J. (2007). Using DaVinci Technology for Digital Video Devices. Computer, 40(10), pp.53-61.